Strategies to Tell Better Stories with Data

Data Chats

“It’s really in that communication piece is where things either succeed or fail, irrespective of all the hard work that happened up until that point.” —  Cole-Nussbaumer-Knaflic

In this episode of Data Chats, Chris Richardson interviews Cole-Nussbaumer-Knaflic Founder & CEO of Storytelling with Data and author of best-selling books Storytelling with Data: Let’s Practice and Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals. They discuss:

  • The importance of answering “so what” when sharing data
  • How to do a better job of defining the audience for the data story
  • Tips for communicating data after all the analysis is done
  • The ways organizations can support data teams learn how to share insights through storytelling
  • Strategies to get more comfortable with storytelling with data

Continued Learning

Data Science for Business Leaders
This course teaches you how to partner with data professionals to uncover business value, make informed decisions and solve problems.
Learn More

Business-Driven Data Analysis
This course teaches a proven, repeatable approach that you can leverage across data projects and toolsets to deliver timely data analysis with actionable insights. Learn More

Connect with Cole-Nussbaumer-Knaflic: and follow her on LinkedIn or Twitter


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