After you pass your course, you'll receive an email from Credly, our certification badges platform. From that email, you'll be able to accept your badge and share it on LinkedIn.
From the Share Badge page, click on the LinkedIn icon and connect your LinkedIn account.
A screen will appear giving you information on your certification badge for LinkedIn. You can check or uncheck the "Add to my Profile" and "Share to my newsfeed" boxes.
To add your badge to your LinkedIn profile, click the "Share to LinkedIn" button in the lower right corner. This will open a blank LinkedIn form in another tab. Go back to the Credly tab and click the "Copy" button next to certification name. Then go back to the LinkedIn page and paste the information into the "Certification Name" field.
Repeat this process for the information on the Credly page until all the relevant information has been added. There is no expiration date. Click "Save" when you've finished.
Now under "Licenses & Certifications" on your LinkedIn page, you'll be able to see your Pragmatic certification badges. For more information, visit Credly's website.